Should I Bet on the UFL?

UFL 2025
UFL, or United Football League, is a professional American football league that launched as a result of a merger between two prior spring football leagues: the XFL (Xtreme Football League) and the USFL (United States Football League). The official announcement of the UFL’s formation was made on December 31, 2023. It positions itself as a “premier spring football league” and aims to serve as a developmental or feeder league for players and staff hoping to advance to higher levels, such as the NFL (National Football League). The UFL is not intended to directly compete with the NFL as a major standalone league but rather to provide opportunities for talent to grow and gain exposure.
So, should you bet on it? The answer is Yes. But, only if you take the time to learn the teams and players. There is no point risking your hard earned money on something you are not educated in.
You can also play picks from handicappers if you like. It may be a bit difficult to find handicappers giving picks on these games because the league is so new and the popularity is really not there.
You will recognize some of the names on these teams. A lot of these players are former college football standouts. Many of them you may not ever have heard of however.